Thursday, May 28, 2009

Virtual Office Assistant

Save Time with a Virtual Office Assistant.

It is not always possible to handle all the tasks in your business. NYC Virtual Office offers a virtual office assistant that can save you time by taking care of your voicemail, faxmail and all your mail forwarding and receiving tasks. They provide you with a unique physical address and phone number, where all your mail can be sent and a phone answering service when you are too busy to take all your calls. All this for a fraction of the cost of hiring a personal assistant.

How to Get Your Very Own Virtual Office Assistant.

To get your own virtual office assistant, you need to follow four easy steps. First download the forms at then fill them in and send them back to us. From there you will be assigned your own address and you can start receiving your mail. For a small additional fee you have the option of signing up for a phone answering service which takes your messages and a faxmail service. An electronic notification system will keep you informed of packages you have received as well as faxes and messages that have been left for you.