Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mail Receiving Services

Stress Free Mail Receiving Services

NYC Virtual Office offer mail receiving services to business as well as private individuals that will take the stress out of doing all your mail receiving and forwarding tasks. They allocate users with a physical PO Box address situated on New York’s prestigious 5th Avenue, which you can use to receive and forward mail anywhere in the world. The service is private and safe while being more efficient and reliable than the traditional U.S mail service. For a nominal monthly charge you will never miss or lose a package in the mail ever again.

Advantages of a Mail Receiving Service

Mail receiving services offered by NYC Virtual Office will save you the time and money you would usually spend to handle your mailing tasks yourself. Whenever you receive a new package or mail arrives, you notified of your new mail or parcels by an electronic notification system. You can then have the mail forwarded to you or any other predetermined address or can collect it yourself should you choose to do so. Mail is forwarded once a week on any day you choose. To register for mail receiving services from NYC Virtual Office Visit www.nycvirtualoffice.com