Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Voicemail Answering

Leading Voicemail Answering Service

NYC Virtual Office is a leading virtual provider of voicemail answering services for businesses and individuals. When registering for the service you are assigned a private phone number which you can use as an alternative contact number if clients are not able to get hold of you. You can retrieve your messages from any phone by simply calling the voicemail service and entering your security code to access your messages. You also have the option of having NYC Virtual Office emailing your messages to you in audio format to listen to and save onto your computer if you need them at a later stage.

Registering for Voicemail Answering

Voicemail answering services from NYC Virtual Office are very affordable and more cost effective then having to get extra phone lines or hiring staff to answer phone calls and take messages. Registering for the service can be done on the website www.nycvirtualoffice.com and is simple and quick to do. Once you have signed up it takes a few minutes before you receive your unique phone number which you can start using immediately. NYC Virtual Office also offers other groundbreaking services like fax mail and mailing services.