Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Voicemail Answering

The Best Voicemail Answering Service

One of the best voicemail answering services available today, is the answering service from NYC Virtual Office. Once you sign up for their service, you will be allocated with your own unique New York metro phone number, which you can give to your clients as an alternative contact number for when you are unable to take their calls. To retrieve your messages you simply have to access your mailbox from any phone by using an access code and listening to your messages. NYC Virtual Office will also email your messages to you in an audio format which you can listen to at your leisure and save onto your computer for further references.

Voicemail Answering Service Sign Up

NYC Virtual Office offers their voicemail answering service for a very affordable monthly rate. You can learn more about the service and view the rates and the sign up procedure on the website . Once you have signed up, you will receive your unique phone number which you can start using immediately to start receiving calls and messages from clients all over the world.