Monday, October 12, 2009

Mail Forwarding Services

Global Mail Forwarding Services

For businesses and individuals who are looking for a reliable mail service, NYC Virtual Office offers their global mail forwarding services. The services are vary affordable and will enable you to send mail to your clients anywhere in the world at a fraction of the cost of the U.S mail service. The mail forwarding services provides you with your own unique physical mailbox address on New York’s prestigious 5th Avenue. Their revolutionary electronic notification system will notify you whenever you receive new mail, or when any mail forwarded by you has left their premises. This will allow you to easily track your mail to ensure it arrives at its destination safely, and on time.

Mail Forwarding Services Rates and Sign Up

For an affordable monthly rate you will be able to take advantage of NYC Virtual Offices mail forwarding services. The service does not require you to take out any lengthy contracts or subscriptions and you are able to cancel the service at any time. If you are interested in the service and would like to find out how you can sign up for the service as well as the rates and other great virtual office services on offer, visit