Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Phone Answering Service

Your Own Private Phone Answering Service

While doing all your business chores, you are not always capable of accepting all your phone calls. For this reason a lot of small businesses have to employ additional staff to help out, which can be really expensive. Now numerous business owners are able to get their own private phone answering service from NYC Virtual Office at a single low monthly rate without the need to hire additional staff or install additional telephone lines. You are assigned a private and unique metro telephone number which you can give to your customers to use as an alternative for when they are not able to get hold of you in person.

Retrieving your Messages from your Phone Answering Service

With NYC Virtual Offices phone answering service, you can check and get all your messages easily by calling your number and entering your access code. If you prefer, NYC Virtual Office are able to also send you your messages in an audio file by e-mail. The service is not just available to businesses, individuals who would like a message service may also register for their own phone answering service at