Thursday, June 4, 2009

Business Answering Service

A Professional Business Answering Service.

With the economy in a recession, it is not possible for a business to hire extra personnel if they are looking to expand. The negative is that in order to expand and grow you need extra hands when things start to get busy. Now you can have that extra help without incurring the large extra costs. NYC Virtual Office has come up with a solution to provide a business answering service to you when you cannot handle the entire workload yourself

What you get From a Business Answering Service.

A Business answering service will provide you with the voicemail and even fax mail services that a personal assistant would usually do for you. You receive a unique New York number to where all the calls you can’t take can be diverted. The messages are taken and can be retrieved from this number later on, or emailed to you in an audio file, to listen to when you get a chance. In addition you can also sign up for mail receiving services and completely automate all your mail and telephone service needs. invites you to setup your own virtual office at low rates.