Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mailbox Rental

Mailbox Rental Solutions

Whether you are an individual or a business owner who would like a comprehensive mail receiving and forwarding service that will save you time and money, why not get a mailbox rental from NYC Virtual Office. Mailbox rentals from them are very affordable while being extremely private and secure. Their industry leading electronic notification system will notify you of any new mail you receive and any mail which has been forwarded from your mailbox. You have the option of either collecting your mail or having it forwarded to you anywhere in the world. The service is a safe and reliable way of having your own PO Box address.

Mailbox Rental Location

Upon signing up for a mailbox rental from NYC Virtual Office you will be allocated your own private physical PO Box address on 5th Avenue New York. You can start using your address to send and receive mail immediately and the mail service can be used worldwide. If you would like to learn more about mail services as well as the price for such a great service you can visit their webpage at .