Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mailbox Service

Benefits of a Mailbox Service

The major benefit of having your own mailbox service is that you won’t have to make regular trips to the post office to check for new mail. Using our hoe address could mean that our mail can be delivered to the wrong house or even go missing. For this reason NYC Virtual Office offers their mailbox services which will take care of all your mail forwarding and receiving needs. They will provide you with your own physical mailbox address where you have the option of collecting your mail or having it forwarded to you on a predetermined day and time of the week. Whenever you receive new mail you are notified so you don’t have to visit the post office each day to check if an important package has arrived yet.

Mailbox Service Costs and Registration

NYC Virtual Office offers their mailbox services on a month to month basis at a very low monthly rate. Registration for your own mailbox rental service can be done on their website www.nycvirtualoffice.com where you can also learn about a range of other great virtual office services on offer such as business answering and fax mail services.