Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mailbox Rental

Mailbox Rental Services

Whether you are an individual or a business owner who would like an all-inclusive mail receiving and forwarding service that will save you time and money, why not get a mailbox rental from NYC Virtual Office. Mailbox rentals from them are really cost effective while being very secure and private. Their industry leading electronic notification system will inform you of any new mail you receive and any mail which has been sent on from your mailbox. You have the choice of either collecting your mail or getting it forwarded to you anywhere in the world. The service is a safe and dependable way of having your own personal PO Box address.

Mailbox Rental Location

Upon registering for a mailbox rental from NYC Virtual Office you will be given your own secure physical PO Box address on 5th Avenue New York. You are able to begin using your address to send and receive mail right away and the mail service can be used internationally. If you would like to get more information about mail services as well as the price for such an outstanding service you can go to their webpage at www.nycvirtualoffice.com .