Thursday, March 18, 2010

Telephone Answering Services

Trusted Telephone Answering Services

NYC Virtual Office gives you the chance to use their trusted telephone answering services that will see to it that you or your business will never miss that important call ever again. Their services are available to private individuals as well as businesses and you can utilize the service on an international scale to grow your business. You are assigned a New York metro telephone number where your call will be taken and the messages stored. You will be able to access the number from any telephone set with a personal pin code to retrieve your messages and also have the alternative of having your messages e-mailed to you in an audio file which can be saved onto your computers hard drive.

Prices of Telephone Answering Services

The price of telephone answering services are very cost effective and the most competitive in the industry. You do not have to take out any subscriptions and are able to end the service at any time. Registration is fast and can easily be completed at . After you have received your number you will be able to begin utilizing it straightaway and start giving it to all your customers.