Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mail Receiving Service

Efficient Mail Receiving Services

If you are a business owner or individual who is looking for a mail receiving service that is efficient and cost effective, consider NYC Virtual Office. Unlike conventional mail services, they allocate you with your own unique New York City, 5th Avenue, physical mailbox address to use at your disposal. You are able to receive and forward mail internationally from this address. The service is very reliable and secure and your packages won’t go missing or get damaged.

Advantages of a Mail Receiving Service

The advantages of a mail receiving service from NYC Virtual Office are endless. For instance you will save large amounts of time and money it takes to make multiple trips to the post office as you will always be notified whenever a package or mail arrives for you. Also, you have the option of having your mail forwarded to your door if you don’t feel like collecting it yourself. In fact you can forward mail to any address in the world on a predetermined day of the week. If you would like to learn more about this great service and how to register for it simply visit